What is psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease of the skin, accompanied by the appearance of a reddish-pink rash and peeling of the skin.

The term psoriasis comes from the Greek word psoriasis, which means that in the translation, itching or itching in the skin. Such symptoms more bright characterize this non-infectious dermatological problem. When this dermatosis division of the skin cells occurs almost thirty times faster. Since they do not have time to mature fully, intercellular contacts are lost. This leads to the formation of characteristic scales. In the process of the enclosure and the immune system of the body: the elements of protection that are directed against your own cells, which causes a chronic inflammation in the focus of the injury. To describe in more detail the question of what is psoriasis and how to treat it.

the disease of psoriasis

Types of psoriasis

There are a large number of classifications of psoriasis, which is based on the severity of the condition, the nature of the eruptions, the location of the injury, and so on, Often distinguished the following types of diseases:

  1. Patches (vulgar) constitutes the greater part of the species of the psoriasis. It is characterized by the appearance of the traditional plates, covered with grey-white scales.
  2. Guttate psoriasis is the second place of prevalence, and is diagnosed each tenth of the patient. When you do this, appear numerous and very small eruptions with scales on the whole surface of the body.
  3. Pustular option is characterized by the formation pustules.
  4. When ladonno-plantar psoriasis the elements are found in the relevant parts of the epidermis.
  5. Exudative option is the fact that the scales are soaked in a yellowish liquid that is filtered out of your body. Thanks to this, we see coalescat and change color.
  6. Erythroderma is a severe form of the disease, as they consume almost the entire surface of the skin and produce adverse reactions (temperature, increased lymph nodes, the alteration of the composition of the blood).
  7. Psoriatic arthritis is characterized by the defeat of the joints.

Of the stages of the pathological process distinguish progressive, stable and retrogressive scaly versicolor.

The symptoms of psoriasis

Often, in the development of psoriasis on the surface of the skin spots appear, cover immediately to the parents or white scales that separate easily to the touch. This is a symptom is due to another name of the disease – flake versicolor.

The location of eruptions

As a general rule, changes the skin, which is located on the extensor surfaces (elbows, knees) of the large joints. One of the favorite places of the location is the border of the scalp, and in the space, which are constantly exposed to injury or friction. However, this feature cannot be considered as diagnostic criteria, as well as the atypical forms of flakes, depriving affected, and the rest of the surface of the epidermis.

Characteristics of the platelet

Dimensions eruptions may be different. Main elements considered to be small nodules of bright red or deep burgundy. With the time, adjust its size increases greatly, also have a tendency to the merger. In 90% of the cases, the signs of psoriasis include the education standard of the platelets, which is characterized by the triad of:

  1. Stearic stain is characterized by the easy radi-grey-white scales, resembling in appearance chip of the candle.
  2. If you continue to scrape the surface of the platelet, after the elimination of all scales manifest a thin white film, which has received the name of terminal.
  3. The symptom blood of dew can be detected when you remove the terminal from the movie. When you damage one of the papillae of the skin occurs the bleeding is not abundant, and the drip system.

There are signs of the disease:

  1. The symptom Kebnera is that psoriatic rashes appear in places prone to injury (friction), scratches, etc). It is characteristic of an advanced stage of the disease.
  2. The symptom Voronov is characterized by the formation of a pale ring around the newly formed papules, not yet covered scales. This is a kind of the body's response and it means a further progression of the disease.

These symptoms of psoriasis often enable you to differentiate the disease from other dermatoses of the similarity of the current.

the disease of the symptoms of psoriasis

Other symptoms of the

In addition to the skin, the psoriasis suffer from the nails, the hair, as well as the joints and internal organs. Changes in the nail plate begin with the base and are characterized by subungual hyperkeratosis. In the future, the surface acquires stretch marks, and form impressions (symptom thimble). Psoriatic arthritis is started with the defeat of the small joints, accompanied by pain sensations, and inflammatory phenomena.

Also for flakes depriving characterized by itching in the skin. As a result of which it form scratch, surface cracks, and the propensity to hemorrhage. In the field of trauma can multiply, pathogenic germs, which will lead to the secondary infection and the development of atopic dermatitis.

Causes of psoriasis

Non-communicable nature of the disease has yet been installed in the 19th century. Since you are continually carrying out numerous investigations that study the causes of psoriasis. However, as for most of the systemic diseases, to find out a single cause can not yet. There are several theories, each of which has scientific confirmation:

  • The immune system on the theory that the disease is a result of a series of dysfunctions in the functioning of the immune system. It provides for the development of the autoimmune response, in which the thickness of the skin to accumulate a large amount of T-lymphocytes. This leads to chronic inflammation and a thickening of the affected area. It confirms the theory on the fact that in the biopsy psoriatic of the platelet, can detect a high concentration of immune cells, as well as the fact that in the course of the disease is greatly influenced by the use of immunological medicines.
  • A hereditary factor related to the pathology of genetic material. Scientists have already established several stretches of dna, mutation that occurs in patients with squamous zoster. These genes are mainly responsible for the maturation of immune cells (T lymphocytes). Therefore, when a breakage of the probability that psoriasis significantly increases. If the parents suffer from this disease of the skin, the risk of development of dermatosis children in 50% above.
  • The theory is similar to the hereditary, however, in this case, we analyze the genes, the mutation that can occur at any age.
  • Endocrine factor demonstrates the fact that the majority of patients with psoriasis is there any change on the part of endocrine organs (pituitary gland, pancreas, and thyroid). In addition, this category of patients is often present violation of the synthesis and secretion of melatonin. Also in the course of the disease may affect the level of sex hormones.
  • The stress and strong shock capable of bringing to the manifestation of the disease or to the aggravation of the symptoms. When this at the expense of the release into the blood of hormones, initiates a series of biochemical reactions that lead to the appearance of scales on the skin rash.
  • Exchange of the theory of the basis of that scientists have identified a high level of lipids in patients with psoriasis. In addition, at the time of exacerbation of the disease changes in nitrous change, and raises the overall level of toxins in the body.

In fact, all the causes of psoriasis can be combined into two groups:

  • the violation of the division of the cells of the epidermis;
  • the change in the immune system.

All of the external factors (environment, stress, trauma), complicated the course of the disease, but may not act as a single cause.

The quality of life of patients of psoriasis

Along with other chronic diseases, psoriasis is able to remarkable worsening of the quality of life of patients that may be experienced as a physical and psychological discomfort. Often have difficulties with work and social adaptation. Thus, expressed itching sometimes prevents the normal rest and the card hands, can limit the ability to work.

Especially hard transferred scaly rash on the scalp. This is related to the fact that these plates have some of rejection, so patients are asociable, may even develop social anxiety.

The stress due to the dissatisfaction of one's own appearance, the constant pain, or itching, as well as immune to the violation can often lead to the development of mental disorders (increased anxiety, depression, social isolation). Only a quarter of patients with psoriasis do not feel psychological discomfort, the rest of the patients of this disease is a serious obstacle to the normal life.

Among the symptoms of psoriasis, which undermine the quality of life, the first place of the itching of the skin, in the second position joint pain psoriatic arthritis.

The methods of treatment of psoriasis

Realizing, what is psoriasis, we can better visualize the possible methods for their treatment. Since it is a chronic disease, it is completely curable, no. However, you can significantly facilitate the condition of the patient, reducing the number of clinical manifestations. On the basis of an integrated approach to the therapy of flakes in the rash is the application of drugs and physiotherapy techniques. There are also tips to help you deal with the problem.

Drugs and supplies for psoriasis

In this disease the most popular media for outdoor use. In its composition, can include various components that prevent the excessive division of the cells of the skin, as well as soothe and reduce the itching in the skin. The names of the different medicines, but most of them contain the following substances:

  1. Glucocorticosteroid hormones that reduce the inflammatory phenomena and disturb the reactivity of the immune system. When topically applied hormones are the least expressed of systemic impact. Part of Elocom, In advantan.
  2. Vitamin D is included in the large amount of medications for local use. The greater efficacy for the treatment of psoriasis is shown when combined with ultraviolet radiation.
  3. The tar is used mainly for the treatment of the foci located in the area of the scalp.
  4. Activated zinc quickly eliminates the redness and itching in the skin. This component is virtually harmless to the body.

Between preparations for the systemic treatment of psoriasis distinguished:

the disease psoriasis treatment
  • corticosteroids, as well as regulate the metabolism and to remove the foci of inflammation, however, they expressed the abstinence syndrome;
  • cytostatics inhibit cell division of the epidermis, but along with this weakens the immune system and reduce regeneration and other tissues;
  • the immunomodulatory contribute to the normalization of the immune response, but their effectiveness up to the end not studied;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs only reduced the intensity of itch and inflammation, but no effect on the primary care of changes.

The vitamins and anti-allergic drugs are used in addition to the main therapy. Since there really is no effective medicine to fight psoriasis, his designate in conjunction with physical therapy procedures.


Among the most frequently used procedures for the treatment of systemic disease, which is the psoriasis, we distinguish the following:

  1. Hirudotherapy, the use of leeches. It improves blood circulation and normalizes the immune response.
  2. Fish-the doctor, multiplicans in the hot springs, helps the patients to clean the skin of the eruptions. During ichthyotherapy these fish literally eat away the surface layers of the platelets in the skin, is submerged in the water.
  3. Cryotherapy, during which the patient is placed in a few minutes in a chamber with air temperature -1300C. After the procedure considerably decreases the itching and relieves swelling and edema.
  4. Puva-therapy combined phototherapy and chemotherapy. After the introduction of the drug, which accumulates in cells with high capacity of regeneration, the patient irradiated by the light. The reserve has a certain wavelength and contributes to the activation-induced photosensitizer. Therefore, one may achieve the selectivity of the exposure.

Sometimes, when the treatment of psoriasis it is an effective application of homeopathic remedies or the media.

The means of treatment of psoriasis

In medicine there are a lot of recipes of funds, both for local use and for consumption in the interior.

You can prepare the ointment and apply on platelets. Most popular are the following recipes:

  1. Mix the celandine, and in adipi (1:5), we obtain an efficient tool.
  2. Grind the flowers queen of the meadows viscose and mix with vaseline (1:1). After this is heated to 900With and cool. Store the ointment is not a long time, so it is best to cook in small portions.
  3. Connect the fat of the pork, pine oleoresina and bee wax, it is warm over medium heat, stirring constantly. After adding the vitamin To the pharmacy.
  4. Normal birch tar (25 g), vaseline (10 g), boric acid (5 g), honey (15 g), egg protein, fish oil (5) very good mix and place in the dark of the capacity. Apply this cream should be only once a day.
  5. The ointment of the inula salicina help in the moment of aggravation of the disease.

Traditional medicine oral generally focus on the maintenance of immunity and reduction of inflammation and itching:

  1. Kvass from oats serves 700 g of cereal, three litres of water and five large tablespoons of sugar. All of this should be insisting on the two days.
  2. The infusion of bay leaf is taken orally in 100 ml
  3. To prepare the tincture of the buds of sophora, should take 500 ml of vodka and 50 g of raw material, and then place in a month in a dark place. Take by the teaspoon.
  4. The decoction of fennel seeds helps to remove acute symptoms, and also has a small, induces sleep and soothing.

The bath with the addition of copper sulfate is also used for the treatment of psoriasis.